In the United States, democracy has only ever been made real by the people—families, neighbors, and communities—working together for change.

Over the coming weeks, months, and years, let us not be deterred by efforts to take us backward. The headwinds must be our fuel to create the nation of our dreams. Throughout history, countless people have devoted their lives to making today’s rights and freedoms possible—rights we must exercise to design a nation that works for all. This is our opportunity to honor those who came before us. We must commit to:

  • Strengthening Our Union: Advancing a vision of a united country while being unafraid and unashamed to abolish all forms of exclusion. 
  • Perfecting Our Democracy: Accepting the enduring invitation to redesign all parts of our democratic system that prevent us from achieving a thriving multiracial democracy. 
  • Renouncing Acts of Exclusion: Acting in solidarity with those working for an equitable nation by withdrawing all forms of support from individuals and institutions working against this vision.

It will take the participation of all of us to design a nation rooted in the promise of racial, economic, and gender equity. 

Will you commit to joining us in driving this transformation?